Unexpected Leisure Time


No one goes into Trials thinking that they will not make the team, and I was no different. In fact, I had made no summer plans on the assumption that I would be competing in Rio. Once it became clear that that would not be the case, I moved forward to make the most of these few weeks off. The same family that I previously cited as the reason why I swam so well, has been helping me to recover from the loss and make the most out of this summer.

The first stop was a quik day trip to Lincoln, Nebraska to a celebratory lunch with my family. Look at all of the smiles on those faces!


Isak Dineson once remarked that “the best cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea”. I was fortunate to have all three with a trip to Charleston right after landing in Charlotte. There is nothing like letting the salt water of the sea and the love of family and friends carry away your pain.

After Charleston I traveled to Sacramento to spend time with my immediate family. We have been able to have a lot of quality time together these past few weeks and make up for all the time that I was abroad. This has been the longest stretch that I have been in Sacramento in the last 5 or 6 years. I also had the good fortune of driving up to Inverness for a weekend to see some of my cousins who normally live in Manila.

There are a few more weeks left in summer and I have many more adventures scheduled to make the most of my time off. I believe wholeheartedly that everything happens for a reason. And although, I desperately wanted to make that Olympic team, it has been amazing to connect with family and friends and know that this would not have been possible if I had made that team.

Here’s to celebrating the last few weeks of Summer with the people I love!!

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